The “Crossing Over” message had 25 points (observations) drawn from Joshua chapters 1-3. These are not Pastor Rodney’s ideas. They are directives, mandates, and promises to those that have gone through the desert and are ready to possess the land. Here are a few bullet points:
- move by the direction of the Spirit (1:1)
- know your territory (1:4)
- be strong and courageous (1:6)
- move together to possess the land (1:13,14)
- build covenant relationships (2:14)
- pursue the presence (3:3)
Here was their result, and I believe it can be yours as well.
- You will stand in the middle of the miracle!
- You will demonstrate the power and purpose of God.
- You will authenticate that Jesus our Joshua is leading His church and your life by the power of the Spirit today!
- You will possess the land.

Jesus gave the parable of the man who found a treasure in the field; he hid the treasure in the field and went quickly to “buy the field.” Like this man, our passion for the treasure we have discovered in Jesus stirs us to rise up, crossover, possess the land/buy the field and manage it for the glory of God.
Advance Freedom!
Pastor Rodney
Please see my blog for the complete set of notes. The audio message “Buy the Field” is on the front page of our website.
Excellent word for the hour and season. Pastor Rodney, I believe you are hitting the spiritual nail on the spiritual head. I believe it is where the body of Christ is at, as well as it's individual members. Amen! I agree and believe that it is critical in 2013 to pursue the presence of God, to discern the moving of the Holy Spirit, to be strong and courageous during this hour, to nurture and strengthen covenant relationships, and to be in one accord - working in concert in love, unity and covering each other in prayer. Yes, as a result, we will see God move. We will see His presence manifested and will testify of the miracles of God. Thank you for articulating God's heart and message for the season. Now there is sowing we must do on our part to see the manifest presence and purpose of God. Thank you.